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Opinion 17th CPC National Congress> Opinion
UPDATED: October-17-2007  
China Has Ethical Guidelines for Research on Stem Cell, Genetic Modification
China has worked out bio-safety and ethical guidelines to regulate the research on stem cell and genetic modification, said Vice Minister of Science and Technology Li Xueyong on Tuesday

China has worked out bio-safety and ethical guidelines to regulate the research on stem cell and genetic modification, said Vice Minister of Science and Technology Li Xueyong on Tuesday.

"We attach great importance to moral and ethical issues in the research on stem cell and genetic modification," said Li, a delegate to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), on the sidelines of the five-yearly CPC conference.

"The Chinese government has a clear-cut stand on the research of stem cell and genetic modification and pays much attention to bio-safety while actively and carefully promoting the industrialization of the technologies," the official said.

However, Li did not elaborate on the details of the guidelines.

With regard to international cooperation on space exploration, Li said China hopes to become the 17th nation joining the International Space Station project.

"China sincerely wants to cooperate with the United States in space exploration and join the International Space Station project that has already involved 16 nations," said Li.

(Xinhua News Agency October 16, 2007)

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