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Opinion 17th CPC National Congress> Opinion
UPDATED: October-20-2007  
Hu Deping: Socialism Does not Contradict Democracy in the Least

Socialism does not contradict democracy in the least, but democracy in China does not mean to cater to the tastes of foreign countries, said Hu Deping, deputy head of the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Friday.

He describes democracy as a political system in which "the people can safeguard their own interests and voice their appeals in an orderly manner". "It represents the people's attitude toward the state, and the latter's commitment to its people."

"Democracy has helped tremendously our building of socialism with Chinese characteristics and provided very good soil for our society," Hu, a delegate to the 17th CPC National Congress told reporters on the sidelines of the five-yearly event.

In China, however, to boost democracy does not mean to "dress up" and "cater to the Western countries", said Hu.

He said obstructions and contradictions are inevitable in China's reform and opening up.

"Nowadays we are building a 'harmonious society', which means all the contradicting parties should coexist in peace and harmony, do not confront one another, and carry out exchanges on different opinions," he said. "In this way all the problems will be solved without difficulty."

Conflicts among the people, on the other hand, should be settled in a planned and balanced way as long as they do not violate the law, Hu said.

He affirmed the Scientific Outlook on Development, saying it means to seek the maximum economic and social benefits at the least cost. "Transformation of the economic growth mode, as elaborated in the report to the current Party Congress, is a starting point."

Hu Deping, also deputy head of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, is son of Hu Yaobang, late general secretary of the CPC Central Committee.

(Xinhua News Agency October 19, 2007)

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