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    The co-benefits of progress
    The "green is gold" philosophy is a core concept in China's ecological progress
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    A turning point for China-EU relations?
    From China's perspective, while the political changes within the EU may have two positive effects on China-EU relations, they are unlikely to fundamentally alter the bilateral relationship
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    Policy without purpose
    The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Implementation of Outbound Investment Executive Order (E.O. 14105), issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury on June 21, symbolizes a substantive stifling of the U.S. hi-tech investment in China
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    Ancient route, modern railway
    After the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway's completion, the world will witness the revival of the new Great Silk Road
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    China strives for high-quality development with 5G technology
    5G technology has become increasingly indispensable to China's transition from high-speed growth to high-quality development
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    Cut dollar's hegemony by moving away from greenback
    Since the 1970s, nearly 200 financial crises, big and small, have erupted globally, largely triggered by the tide of the US dollar. The latest episode happened during the past five years, something we all experienced firsthand
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    Why is the Global South picking up steam?
    The United States and European countries highlight the Global South’s significant role in reshaping the world order, while Japan proposes to be a bridge between the G7 and the Global South
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    Accusation of China's overcapacity? The Global South just doesn't buy it!
    The so-called overcapacity in China is a pseudo proposition
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    Modern semiconductors: From restrictions to resilience
    China's semiconductor industry is rapidly evolving and has reached a high level of sophistication. Although market fragmentation and growing competition might temporarily impact production inefficiency, the outcome will be improved product quality
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    China's role in global unity
    In particular, young people in Europe and the United States feel that their future prospects and living standards will decline compared to those of their parents
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    Making the current system work for everyone
    China's participation in international affairs has been increasing in recent decades. Its emergence as a leading voice among Global South countries has led many in the developed world to speculate about its intentions, assuming that China is orchestrating the overthrow of the current system and the establishment of a new one
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    Contrasting ethnic integration and assimilation
    Those familiar with the development of China's ethnic policies can assert that the country's promotion of ethnic integration does not seek to eliminate ethnic boundaries, erase ethnic differences or pursue "ethnic assimilation
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Fact Check
Delayed tariff increases may signal improved ties
By Lan Xinzhen
Fact Check
Committing to a Globalized Labor Market
By Lan Xinzhen
Exploration Vacation
Current Issue
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