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Following the implementation of dynamic prevention and control measures across different districts of the Chinese capital, parts of the city have almost returned to normal. From May 29 onward, residents in Chaoyang District have once again embraced joyful outings to newly reopened shopping malls, cinemas, and gyms in areas with no new COVID-19 cases, after their monthlong closure due to the battle against the Omicron variant. With many pandemic control measures still in place, visitors must provide a negative nucleic acid test digital certificate and have their temperature checked before entering venues. Because indoor dining remains prohibited as of June 1, the food and beverage industry continues to rely on takeaway and delivery services. Museums and gyms have also been given the green light to resume business, albeit with a cap on visitor numbers. Those located in underground spaces at the time of writing remain closed to the public. (Text and photos by Wei Yao) Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon Comments to dingying@cicgamericas.com