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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
Beijing expo showcases tech transformation
观众在腾讯展区体验刷手掌乘车的技术应用场景。.JPG 观众在一家科技企业展台佩戴VR穿戴设备,该设备可还原包括嗅觉、触觉在内的六感。.JPG 观众正好奇地打量一台数字卡通形象生成的设备。.JPG 中国联通展台的工作人员正在向观众介绍智能安全帽的使用功能。.JPG
  • Visitors experience how to take the subway via palm-scanning at the booth of Chinese Internet tech titan Tencent during the Global Digital Economy Conference in Beijing on July 5
  • A visitor is decked out in virtual reality wearables, which can intensify the human senses
  • A visitor's curiosity is sparked by a hi-tech motion capture device turning a human model into a 2D animation
  • A woman is introduced to the functions of a smart helmet at the booth of China Unicom, one of China's largest state-owned telecommunications operators
  • 观众在腾讯展区体验刷手掌乘车的技术应用场景。.JPG
  • 观众在一家科技企业展台佩戴VR穿戴设备,该设备可还原包括嗅觉、触觉在内的六感。.JPG
  • 观众正好奇地打量一台数字卡通形象生成的设备。.JPG
  • 中国联通展台的工作人员正在向观众介绍智能安全帽的使用功能。.JPG

The Global Digital Economy Conference, which took place in Beijing in early July, showcased many highlights of the emerging sector. Through a variety of artificial intelligence as well as augmented and virtual reality devices, visitors got a taste of cutting-edge application scenarios of digital technology in government services, social development, industrial production and daily life.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon 

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com 


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