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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
Soar and score!
4跟想象中的休闲运动不同,飞盘其实是一项运动量很大的运动_107126.jpg 在比赛中参与者的运动量并不比足球篮球这些传统球类运动低_107128.jpg 5教练在比赛训练后组织队员做拉升运动_107127.jpg 2飞盘对于普通人来说也有休闲运动的功能.不受场地太多影响_107124.jpg 1里咪正在比赛中。飞盘运动大多男女混合比赛,女运动员通过提高_107123.jpg
  • A player showcases his skills with this two-handed catch
  • Two players throw around a frisbee on a Beijing soccer pitch on June 29. To them, playing the physically demanding game takes up just as much energy as playing soccer
  • Players stretch and warm up before a training session. Ultimate is played by teams of seven players
  • Two women enjoy a leisurely game of regular frisbee while camping in the green suburbs of Beijing
  • Ultimate fan Li Mi (right) throws a forehand frisbee. Frisbee usually is a mixed competition with both men and women competing side by side
  • 4跟想象中的休闲运动不同,飞盘其实是一项运动量很大的运动_107126.jpg
  • 在比赛中参与者的运动量并不比足球篮球这些传统球类运动低_107128.jpg
  • 5教练在比赛训练后组织队员做拉升运动_107127.jpg
  • 2飞盘对于普通人来说也有休闲运动的功能.不受场地太多影响_107124.jpg
  • 1里咪正在比赛中。飞盘运动大多男女混合比赛,女运动员通过提高_107123.jpg

Ultimate frisbee (known simply as "Ultimate" to players and aficionados) has become a vibrant summer sight across the squares and soccer pitches of China's first-tier cities. This fast-paced, non-contact, mixed-team sport played with a flying disc (or frisbee) merges features of American football and netball into one simple yet physically demanding game.

The game traces its origins to the United States in the mid-20th century. It first glided into China in the late 1970s, and Shanghai and Beijing are arguably the home of Ultimate in the country.

Many amateur frisbee players and clubs in Beijing make sure to reserve a pitch well in advance. Clubs with a membership system may have stricter rules and regulations but paying a membership fee will also get players better services, including professional coaching and more intensive training programs.

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon

Comments to weiyao@cicgamericas.com


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