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The Sweat and Inspiration
观众在参观国徽、国歌等展品_061759.jpg 观众在参观人民大会堂的设计展台_061714.jpg 观众在参观第一版和第二版人民币_061712.jpg 观众在参观国旗的设计稿_061713.jpg 志愿者正在为观众讲解展示的一辆永久牌自行车_061716.jpg
  • The national emblem and the score and lyrics of the national anthem on display at the exhibition on September 18
  • A stand shows how the Great Hall of the People in Beijing was designed
  • Visitors examine the first and second sets of the renminbi, China's currency
  • The different designs of the national flag culminating in the final version
  • A Forever bicycle, one of China's earliest national brands
  • 观众在参观国徽、国歌等展品_061759.jpg
  • 观众在参观人民大会堂的设计展台_061714.jpg
  • 观众在参观第一版和第二版人民币_061712.jpg
  • 观众在参观国旗的设计稿_061713.jpg
  • 志愿者正在为观众讲解展示的一辆永久牌自行车_061716.jpg
Want to know how the Chinese national flag and emblem were designed? Visit the Exhibition of National Image Design at the Beginning of the Founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) at the China Millennium Monument in Beijing.

The exhibition opened on September 5 as part of the Beijing International Design Week to pay tribute to the 70th anniversary of the PRC.

The National Image section of the exhibition shows how the elements representing China's national image, such as the national flag, emblem and anthem, were designed through historical documents, design drawings and photos.

Guo Qiuhui, an associate professor at the Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University and one of the curators of the exhibition, explained the origin of the national emblem. Two teams were assigned to design it, one led by famous architect couple Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin from Tsinghua University and the other headed by Zhang Ding from the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

"Zhang's version had more colors, while Liang and Lin's had only two colors, gold and red. But the latter's design was chosen because it's more solemn," Guo said.

The national emblem, unveiled on September 20, 1950, shows Tiananmen under the light of five stars, framed with ears of grain and a cogwheel. Tiananmen, the symbol of modern China, was where the inauguration of the PRC was held. The cogwheel represents workers and the grain farmers. The five stars symbolize the solidarity of the various ethnic groups.

The Architecture section shows how iconic architecture such as the Great Hall of the People were designed and decorated. One of the 10 great landmarks constructed in 1959, the Great Hall took around 10 months to build, a grand feat in China's architectural history.

The People's Livelihood section showcases popular Chinese brands from 1949 to 1966, including Forever bicycles, Seagull cameras and Panda radios.

The exhibition closes on October 7.

(Photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by Sudeshna Sarkar

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