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UPDATED: April 10, 2012
Premier Wen Holds Talks With Turkish PM

Premier Wen Jiabao held talks on Monday with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Beijing, agreeing to facilitate trade and nuclear power cooperation.

"China attaches great importance to Turkey's role as a major emerging power," Wen told Erdogan, who is on the first official trip to China by a Turkish prime minister in 27 years.

"Against the backdrop of continuous instability in West Asia and North Africa as well as the sluggish growth of global economy, the two nations should step up strategic communication and coordination to maintain regional peace and stability, deepen cooperation and realize common development," said the Chinese premier.

In their nearly two-hour-long talks, Erdogan told Wen his government firmly adheres to the one-China policy, and will never allow any anti-China secessionist activity by anyone in his country.

The Turkish prime minister started his four-day visit to China on Sunday. Before arriving in Beijing Monday afternoon, Erdogan visited Urumqi, capital city of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region -- the first Turkish prime minister to visit the region.

Erdogan said he had witnessed and was impressed by the great changes of Xinjiang, adding his government hopes to further enhance exchanges and cooperation with the region.

Wen appreciated Erdogan's support for China's unity and Xinjiang's stable development, adding the Chinese Government backs friendly exchanges and cooperation between Xinjiang and Turkey.

The two premiers exchanged views on the issues of Syria and Iran.

To facilitate bilateral cooperation, Wen proposed to make medium and long-term plans for two-way trade, push forward bilateral infrastructure projects regarding railway and bridge, and expand cooperation in high-tech areas such as nuclear power, aerospace and electronics.

Wen said China and Turkey should sign and implement the newly revised bilateral agreement on promotion and protection of investment as soon as possible, to offer legal guarantee and favorable conditions for cooperation among enterprises.

They agreed to take the opportunity of holding culture year for each other to enhance people-to-people exchanges.

Currently the Chinese Culture Year is being held in Turkey and the Turkish Culture Year will be held in China next year.

Erdogan told Wen that Turkey is ready to cement high-level exchanges and strategic coordination with China, to deepen win-win cooperation, and better safeguard their common interests.

After their talks, the two premiers witnessed the signing of a series of cooperation agreements regarding the peaceful utilization of nuclear power, nuclear energy cooperation, trade, investment and the establishment of cultural centers in both sides.

During Erdogan's stay in Beijing, Chinese President Hu Jintao, top legislator Wu Bangguo and Vice President Xi Jinping are also scheduled to meet with him.

Wen said he believed that Erdogan's China visit will further enhance mutual understanding and trust between the two nations and inject new momentum into bilateral ties.

After his Beijing tour, Erdogan is scheduled to fly to China's financial hub Shanghai and deliver a speech at Shanghai International Studies University. He will conclude his four-day trip on Wednesday.

(CNTV.cn, Xinhua News Agency April 9, 2012)


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