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About us
  ·  2020-07-06  ·   Source: Web Exclusive


Bjreview.com is the official website of Beijing Review, the flagship media brand under China International Communications Group Center for the Americas (CICG Americas). 

Established in March 1958 under the guidance of then Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing Review serves to better present China to the world. As China's only national English-language newsweekly, Beijing Review reaches readers in over 150 countries and regions, offering news and in-depth analysis on China's developments and major global events. Bjreview.com, the online portal of Beijing Review, also supports CICG Americas by providing special coverage of breaking news from China and abroad, along with audio and video content. 

CICG Americas is a multifaceted international communication institution with media operations, covering both North and South America, with a particular focus on the United States. It integrates the media functions of Beijing Review and the Latin American services of China Today magazine. 

CICG Americas publishes Beijing Review (English edition) as well as China Hoy and China Hoje (Spanish and Portuguese editions of China Today). It also produces multimedia content across different languages, manages social media accounts in English, Spanish and Portuguese, and operates a series of digital media brands including “Pacific Dialogue” and “With Frieda.”  

CICG Americas also conducts public opinion research, studies regional media communication, promotes localized collaborations in the Americas, and is dedicated to creating exchange platforms for Chinese and overseas media outlets and think tanks and carrying out cultural exchanges.  

CICG Americas has established a presence in major countries in the Americas, including the United States, Mexico, Peru and Brazil.  

The center operates two overseas branches--the North America Bureau and the Latin America Bureau, along with an office in Peru. It has developed strong, enduring connections with its Brazilian partners. Together, these offices work in tandem to expand the center’s reach throughout the Americas.  

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Tel: 0086-10-6899 6252

Address: No.24 Baiwanzhuang Lu, 100037, Beijing, China

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