Boosting Cartoon, Game Cooperation
China will push international cooperation in the sector in countries along the Belt and Road
Edited by Lu Yan  ·  2017-02-27  ·   Source:

China will push international cooperation in the cartoon and game industry in countries along the Belt and Road, said authorities on February 26.


A cooperation and exchange program in the sector was launched on February 26, said organizers of the China International Cartoon and Game Expo scheduled for July in Shanghai.


The event will have a special Belt and Road hall to exhibit cartoon works from participating countries and boost commercial cooperation.


China's Ministry of Culture has made it a key task this year to strengthen cooperation in the cartoon and game sector along the Belt and Road.


The Belt and Road Initiative, proposed by China in 2013, aims to build a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along the ancient Silk Road trade routes.


The expo, which has been held annually in Shanghai since 2005, is co-sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Shanghai municipal government.


(Xinhua News Agency February 26, 2017)

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