International Department of the CPC Central Committee       BEIJING REVIEW
Special Issue on China’s Complete Victory of Poverty Alleviation       MONTHLY
Poverty Alleviation: The Past and the Present
Lankao County, Henan Province
Lankao County is located in the east of Henan Province in central China, with an area of 1,116 square km and a total population of 830,000. It was identified to be a key county for poverty alleviation and development at the national level in 2002. It was designated a key county in the contiguous poverty-stricken areas in the Dabie Mountain in 2011. In 2014, there were 115 poor villages in Lankao, with about 77,000 people living below the poverty line, and the incidence of poverty was 10 percent. In February 2017, Lankao was officially taken off the list of poor counties, becoming one of the first poor counties in China to be delisted.



Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province
Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in the southwest of Sichuan Province is home to the largest Yi ethnic community in China. Affected by historical and geographical factors, it is a typical region with abject poverty. By the end of 2019, 805,000 people had been alleviated from poverty, 1,772 villages had been removed from the list of poor villages, and the incidence of poverty had fallen to 4 percent. In 2020, Liangshan will ensure that the remaining 178,000 people will get above the poverty line, 300 villages will be removed from the list, and seven counties will be delisted, thereby putting an end to abject poverty that has plagued the region for hundreds of years.



Tibet Autonomous Region
Tibet Autonomous Region was founded on September 1, 1965. Owing to its natural conditions and history, Tibet had the highest incidence of poverty in China. It was also the region where poverty was the most entrenched and poverty relief programs were most costly and challenging. Through the strenuous efforts of people of all ethnic groups in the region, all counties and districts in Tibet were removed from the list in December 2019.



Jinggangshan City, Jiangxi Province
The Jinggangshan region is a cradle of Chinese revolution. Given its mountainous terrain, inconvenient transportation and weak infrastructure, Jinggangshan was so poor that painstaking efforts were required for it to escape poverty. On February 26, 2017, Jinggangshan declared that it had got rid of poverty, becoming the first region in China to be removed from the list of poor counties and cities since the country introduced an exit mechanism to its poverty alleviation program.



Yan'an, Shaanxi Province
Yan'an, a holy place for Chinese revolution, is on the heavily dissected, ecologically fragile Loess Plateau. It was mired in extreme poverty in the past. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, Yan'an launched a targeted poverty alleviation campaign. On May 7, 2019, with its last two poor counties--Yanchuan and Yichuan--being delisted, Yan'an said goodbye to absolute poverty.



Zunyi, Guizhou Province
Zunyi is located in the contiguous poverty-stricken areas in the remote Wuling and Wumeng mountains with poor infrastructure. In 2014,eight of the 14 counties, cities, and districts in Zunyi were poverty-stricken, with 922,200 people living in poverty. On March 3, 2020, the Guizhou Provincial Government announced that Zheng'an County had shaken off poverty, marking that poverty had become a thing of the past for the 8.12 million people in Zunyi.



Shibadong Village, Hunan Province
Shibadong Village is located in Huayuan County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, with 225 households and 939 people. Most of the villagers had lived below the poverty line for years before Shibadong bid farewell to poverty in February 2017. The village is the place where President Xi Jinping first put forward the important idea of “targeted poverty alleviation.” Boungnang Vorachith, then General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and President of Laos, visited Shibadong on June 2, 2018.



Dulongjiang Township, Yunnan Province
Dulong is a mountain-dwelling ethnic group in southwest China. It is one of the least populous of China’s 56 minority nationalities. It is also called a direct transition minority ethnic group because the Dulong people didn’t bid farewell to primitive life until the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 and since then they directly stepped into the socialist society. Most Dulong people live in Dulongjiang Township, where an inhospitable mountainous terrain had been thwarting the town's development for decades. After years of efforts, the Dulong ethnic group shook off poverty in 2018.



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