International Department of the CPC Central Committee       BEIJING REVIEW
Special Issue on Promoting Common Prosperity Amid High-Quality Development       MONTHLY
China to Push Common Prosperity in Zhejiang's Rural Areas

Tourists take selfies beside sunflower fields in Nanshan Village, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, on August 10, 2021 (XINHUA)

China has unveiled an action plan to promote rural vitalization in the eastern province of Zhejiang as part of efforts to achieve common prosperity. 

The action plan, jointly released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the provincial government of Zhejiang, detailed multiple measures to build the economic powerhouse into a demonstration zone of rural vitalization in the next five years.

The plan stated the weak links of promoting common prosperity are in agriculture and rural affairs, stressing that those areas have room for improvement and development potential.

A Yemeni customer buys teapots at at the Yiwu International Trade Market in Yiwu City, east China’s Zhejiang Province, on January 14, 2021 (XINHUA)

According to the document, agricultural and rural modernization will be realized in parts of the rural areas in the province by 2025, with replicable practices and models generated.

The document outlined six key tasks for promoting common prosperity in the province's rural areas, including developing rural industrial chains and ecological agriculture, encouraging agricultural technology innovation, and deepening reform in rural areas.

In June, China's central authorities issued a guideline on building Zhejiang into demonstration zone for achieving common prosperity.

The guideline, jointly released by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, rolled out multiple measures to guide the province in setting an example for promoting common prosperity.

Aerial photo taken on April 30, 2021 shows a view of a block featuring food stalls in Wenzhou, east China’s Zhejiang Province (XINHUA)

By 2025, Zhejiang should achieve solid progress in building the demonstration zone, with its per capita gross domestic product (GDP) reaching the level of moderately developed economies, while a social structure with a middle-income population as the majority should be generally developed by then, the guideline said.

The province should see greater achievements in high-quality development and basically achieve common prosperity by 2035, it said, adding that Zhejiang should strive to raise its per capita GDP and the income of urban and rural residents to the standard for developed countries.

By 2035, Zhejiang's systems and mechanisms for common prosperity should also be more well-developed, according to the guideline.

The guideline stressed efforts to improve the quality of development, further reform income allocation and narrow the urban-rural gap, calling for a more livable residential environment.

(Xinhua News Agency)

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