Cultural activities held on Great Wall to celebrate Beijing 2022's 500-day countdown
  ·  2020-09-21  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Children wave with mascots of Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games and Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games during cultural activities to welcome the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games' 500-day countdown in Badaling, Yanqing District of Beijing, capital of China, on September 20 (XINHUA)

Cultural activities were held on September 20 at the Great Wall in Badaling, Yanqing district of Beijing to welcome the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games' 500-day countdown.

Artists from across China were allowed to put their paper-cutting works on show. During September 20 night, a concert that was accompanied by a light display was held to perform some Beijing 2022 promotional musics on the Great Wall.

The paper-cutting art and the Great Wall were the symbolic cultural elements of the Zhangjiakou and Yanqing competition areas of the Beijing 2022.

"500-day countdown is a landmark. I hope today's cultural activities can promote the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games to people all over China," said He Jianghai, Deputy Secretary of the 2022 Beijing Organizing Committee of Winter Olympic Games.

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