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China, India Start Anti-Terrorism Drill
  ·  2015-10-13  ·   Source:

The Chinese and Indian armies started joint anti-terrorism training on Monday in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province.

A total of 144 Chinese and 144 Indian servicemen are taking part in the training, scheduled to run until October 23.

It has three phases: armament display and military demonstration, troop training and integrated exercises.

The armament display includes light weapons and equipment for military engineering and logistics, while the demonstration will feature shooting, group tactics and unarmed combat.

In the second phase, troops will be trained in combat, anti-terrorism tactics, humanitarian aid and disaster-relief communication. The integrated exercise will see the two sides drill a joint maneuver.

Zhou Xiaozhou, deputy commander of the People's Liberation Army Chengdu Military Area Command, said the exercise aims to improve China-India military communication and enhance mutual trust.

It does not target a third party and is not related to regional events, according to Zhou.

The drill is the fifth of its kind between the two countries' armies, and the third held in China.

(Xinhua News Agency October 12, 2015)

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