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Heavy Smog in Beijing to Last until November 17
  ·  2015-11-14  ·   Source:

Heavy air pollution in Beijing and neighboring regions will continue until November 17, according to the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

Central and southern parts of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region will see light to moderate air pollution on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, with light pollution forecast for the northern part, a ministry statement said on Friday. PM2.5 particles will remain the main pollutant.

Heavy pollution will persist before that due to a combination of public heating by burning coal and high humidity, which prevents airborne pollutants from diffusing.

Nine out of 36 cities monitored in northeast China reported heavy air pollution on Thursday, four more than the previous day. The region will see improved air quality from Sunday to next Wednesday.

Local environmental departments have been urged to closely monitor air quality and prepare the necessary response measures.

(Xinhua News Agency November 13, 2015)

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