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Military Means Cannot Secure Settlement to Syria Conflict: Chinese Envoy
  ·  2016-05-05  ·   Source:

Military means cannot secure a settlement to the Syrian conflict, and instead it only can cause greater unrest and disaster, said a Chinese envoy.

Liu Jieyi, China's permanent representative to the UN, made the remarks at a Security Council meeting on the situation in Aleppo, a major city in northern Syria where violent fighting has escalated over the past 10 days.

The al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front and likeminded groups unleashed repetitive large-scale attacks on Syrian military positions in southern Aleppo.

The attacks were intensified by shelling on the government-controlled parts of the city, as the rebels in eastern Aleppo were trying to advance into the western part of the city.

"In spite of the recent escalation of tensions in some areas in Syria, in most parts of the country, ceasefire has by at large been maintained," Liu noted.

The United States and Russia have concluded arrangements to extend nationwide cessation of hostilities to Aleppo.

Earlier on May 4, the Syrian army confirmed that a 48 hour regime of silence will start in Aleppo as of May 5.

"The international community and parties concerned should immediately adopt effective measures to consolidate the results achieved so far," said Liu.

"Members of the International Syrian Support Group should work together and consult as soon as possible on specific measures of controlling the situation that's creating conditions for the advancement of the political process in Syria and expansion of humanitarian relief operation," he added.

(Xinhua News Agency May 4, 2016)

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