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Li's Visit Gears up China, Mongolia for Closer Partnership
  ·  2016-07-14  ·   Source:

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang arrived in Ulan Bator to pay an official visit to Mongolia, in a fresh bid to further consolidate mutual trust and boost bilateral cooperation between the two neighboring Asian countries.


In his first trip to Mongolia since taking office in 2013, Li will hold talks with Mongolia's new prime minister, Jargaltulga Erdenebat, and meet with Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj and Chairman Miyegombo Enkhbold of the State Great Hural, Mongolia's parliament.


A series of cooperation deals covering trade, infrastructure, finance and energy, as well as climate change and media exchanges, will be signed during the two-day visit, the first half of Li's stay in Ulan Bator.


Upon arrival at the Chinggis Khaan International Airport, Li, greeted by Mongolian Foreign Minister Lundeg Purevsuren, likened China and Mongolia to two "good friends and partners" that "wish for the best for each other," while expressing his hope that the visit will further cement the two countries' friendly ties, cooperation and development.


Li said China is willing to continue to strengthen cooperation with Mongolia, by advancing the alignment of both sides' development strategies and expanding collaboration and exchanges in various fields, towards a future of common development and prosperity.


Sharing a 4,710-km-long land borderline, China and Mongolia have witnessed more and more intimate relations in recent years thanks to closer economic links and greater political trust between the two countries.


In 2014, Beijing and Ulan Bator upgraded their ties to a "comprehensive strategic partnership"—the highest rank in Mongolia's diplomatic relations.


In the economic realm, China has for years been Mongolia's largest trading partner and largest source of foreign investment. According to official statistics, two-way trade has expanded 50 times over the past two decades.


In a signed article published by Mongolia's major news outlets, Li lauded the China-Mongolia relations as being the "best ever" in history.


His official visit will inject new vitality into the two countries' already cozy bonds, observers say.


On July 15 and 16, the Chinese premier will attend the 11th summit of ASEM, an intergovernmental forum aimed at fostering political dialogue and boosting cooperation in various areas across Asia and Europe.


This year marks the 20th anniversary since ASEM was launched in Bangkok, Thailand in 1996.


The Ulan Bator summit, which came on the heels of the 18th summit between China and the European Union (EU) held in Beijing, will see Li deliver keynote speeches on China's proposition on ASEM's future development, Asia-Europe pragmatic cooperation, as well as major international and regional hot issues.


At the airport, Li said China has always attached great importance to Asia-Europe cooperation, and has actively supported Mongolia's efforts in hosting the 11th ASEM summit.


"(China) is willing to work with all parties to make the summit a success, and make positive contributions to peace and cooperation as well as common development between Asia and Europe," he said.


During the summit, Li is also expected to hold bilateral meetings with leaders of some ASEM members.


This will be the second time for the Chinese premier to attend the biannual summit. The last ASEM summit was held in Milan, Italy in 2014.


(Xinhua News Agency July 13, 2016)

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