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China Urges EU to Stop Interfering in Hong Kong, Macao Affairs
  ·  2017-04-28  ·   Source:

China on April 27 urged the European Union to stop interfering in Hong Kong and Macao affairs and to contribute more to China-EU relations.

The European Commission and European External Action Service issued their 2016 reports on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) and the Macao SAR on April 26.

China has always objected the EU annual reports on Hong Kong and Macao since their return to the motherland, Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a daily press briefing, adding that it is well known that "one country, two systems" has made remarkable achievements.

"We urge the EU to halt interference in Hong Kong and Macao affairs, and contribute more to the China-EU relations," Geng said.

He said that the SAR system has been effective under the Constitution and the basic law of the two SARs.

China will stick to "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong," "Macao people governing Macao,"and a high degree of autonomy, said Geng.

(Xinhua News Agency April 27, 2017)

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