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Top Graft-Buster Stresses Strict Inspection at Grassroots Level
  ·  2017-09-06  ·   Source:

Wang Qishan, Chief of the discipline watchdog of the Communist Party of China (CPC), has stressed enhanced disciplinary supervision at the grassroots level.

Wang, head of thesupervisionCentral Commission for Discipline Inspection, made the remarks during an inspection tour from September 3 to September 5 in central China's Hunan Province.

Wang said the CPC has taken on an entirely new look because of the effective discipline inspections led by the CPC Central Committee.

The problems discovered during the inspections such as the weakening of Party leadership, deficiency in Party building and inadequate work in strict Party governance have been tackled, he said.

He noted the biggest challenge for the CPC is still a lack of effective supervision of power, and he urged combining intra-Party supervision with supervision by the masses at the grassroots level.

Wang called for further crackdowns on corruption in poverty relief so as to ensure the people get more benefits.

Party committees and graft-busters at the grassroots level were also urged to shoulder their responsibilities in enforcing discipline, and to prepare for the 19th CPC National Congress with a clean political ecology.

Wang stressed the selection and appointment of excellent cadres for local discipline inspections.

(Xinhua News Agency September 5, 2017)

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