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China Improves Holiday Traffic Service through Map App
  ·  2018-02-02  ·   Source:

Chinese traffic authority said on February 1 that it would provide traffic information via map app Amap to ensure smooth passenger journeys during upcoming Spring Festival holiday.

Spring Festival, or Chinese Lunar New Year, falls on February 16, 2018. The travel rush around the festival, also known as "Chunyun," will last for 40 days starting from February 1.

About 2.48 billion trips are expected to be made by road during this year's travel rush.

The Ministry of Public Security traffic management bureau will provide traffic safety tips on Amap, and offer optimal transport routes based on big data analysis to ensure people enjoy safe and smooth traffic.

In addition, people can search for the address of over 80 service stations on the app, where they can check their vehicles and have food.

Spring Festival is the country's most important holiday of family reunion. Hundreds of millions of people head to their hometowns to visit relatives and old friends, which puts huge stress on the transport system.

(Xinhua News Agency February 1, 2018)

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