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China Performs Best in Asia in QS Graduate Employability Rankings
  ·  2018-09-12  ·   Source:

A total of 34 universities from China are included in the Global 500 of the QS Graduate Employability Rankings, which was released on September 11.

China's overall performance in the rankings is strong and the best in Asia. Tsinghua University is ranked 9th and is joined in the top 20 by Peking University (20th).

China's most successful graduates come from Peking University. It achieves the country's highest score in QS's Alumni Outcomes indicator, and the world's 25th-highest score.

Three of the world's top 20 scores for Partnerships with Employers are achieved by Chinese institutions -- Zhejiang University (second), Tsinghua University (third), and Huazhong University of Science and Technology (19th).

"The fact that 34 Chinese universities are included in the Global 500 in graduate employability demonstrates its achievements in pedagogical innovation and collaborations with global employers. This would lay a solid foundation for China to attract more global talents to study in China," said QS China Director Dr. Christina Yan Zhang.

This year's rankings see Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) become world-leader for the first time, deposing Stanford University (second) at the top.

(Xinhua News Agency September 11, 2018)

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