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Mainland to Hold 11th Straits Forum in June
  ·  2019-04-26  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

The 11th Straits Forum will be held in Fujian Province on the Chinese mainland starting on June 15, a spokesperson said at a press conference on April 24.

"The forum will focus on and serve grassroots people and young people," said Ma Xiaoguang, spokesperson with the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office.

Thirty-three activities will be held to improve young people exchanges, mutual trust and emotional identity among compatriots from Taiwan and the mainland.

Over the past 10 years, sponsors for the Straits Forum from both sides of the Taiwan Strait has grown from 54 to 82 and more than 100,000 Taiwan compatriots have participated. Facts have proved that the development of the forum is in line with the common aspiration for more exchange among compatriots from both sides, Ma said.

Online application has been opened on the official website of the forum for April 15 to May 10 and the quota has been increased to 500 to meet the needs of the masses of Taiwan compatriots, Ma said.

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