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PLA Air Force to Hold Air Show to Celebrate 70th Anniversary
  ·  2019-10-14  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) air force will showcase weapons and equipment and offer aerobatic shows to celebrate its 70th founding anniversary, a spokesperson said on October 13.

The activity will be held in Changchun, capital of northeast China's Jilin Province, between October 17 and 21, said Shen Jinke, a spokesperson for the PLA air force, at a press conference.

The audience can feast their eyes on aerobatic flights, parachute shows, combat exercises of third-generation fighters and demonstrations of airborne special force, said Zhang Shouhai, a colonel with the air force staff department.

A total of 35 aircraft of 10 types will perform aerobatics, including J-20 stealth fighter, Y-20 transport aircraft and J-16 fighter, he said.

With 19 aircraft included, the air force selected 71 pieces of equipment for the static display to showcase the capacity of air combat, strategic delivery, early warning and detection, information support and air defense and anti-missile, said Huang Minglin, an air force colonel.

The aircraft cover fighter, bomber, transport plane, airborne early warning aircraft, training plane, helicopter and an unmanned aerial vehicle, Huang said, adding that air-defense weapons and early warning radars will also join the demonstration.

This year marks the 70th founding anniversary of the Chinese PLA air force.

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