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Reexamination launched for disciplinary inspections on poverty alleviation
  ·  2019-12-26  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

A fresh campaign has been launched to reexamine the outcome of a special disciplinary inspection on China's poverty alleviation.

Covering 13 provincial-level regions and 13 central units, the special inspection was conducted in October and November 2018.

The reexamination campaign, which will last until mid January, will combine the rectification of problems found in the inspection with the consolidation of the achievements of poverty alleviation, so as to ensure the full completion of the poverty alleviation task as planned, according to the central authority on disciplinary inspection.

As of December 25, 15 inspection teams have been sent to relevant regions and units to learn about the situation and find problems by hearing reports, interviewing, accepting letters and visits, and conducting onsite investigation.

The deadline for letters and visits is January 10, 2020.

The teams will also work with the taskforce in charge of poverty alleviation evaluation to boost efficiency while reducing the burden of the primary-level. 
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