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China's Hubei resumes trans-regional group tours
  ·  2020-07-20  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

A group of six travelers from Wuhan city in Hubei Province, central China flew to Lanzhou city in northwest China on the afternoon of July 18, marking the resumption of trans-provincial group tours for the province, where the COVID-19 epidemic was first reported.

Hubei announced on July 18 that travel agencies and online tourism companies were allowed to resume their trans-provincial group tours, and the indoor venues of tourist sites will be reopened in the province.

Tourist spots were allowed to host up to 50 percent of their daily maximum reception capacity, up from the previous 30 percent.

According to a notice issued by the provincial culture and tourism department, strict anti-epidemic measures remain a top priority. Inbound and outbound tourism will remain suspended.

The department will continue to guide tourism companies to take regular prevention and control measures to create a safe environment for the sector, said Tao Hongjia, deputy director of the department. 
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