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Chinese premier stresses policy implementation, cross-cycle adjustment
  ·  2021-08-17  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on August 16 underscored efforts to ensure policy implementation and enhance cross-cycle adjustment in light of new economic conditions.

Li made the remarks while presiding over an executive meeting of the State Council, which also approved a plan to boost employment in the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).

Noting the floods and a resurgence of COVID-19 cases in several regions, as well as high commodity prices and the complicated international economic conditions since mid-July, the meeting urged authorities at all levels to respond effectively to the new challenges and enhance cross-cycle adjustment to keep the economy running within a reasonable range.

Efforts should be made to ensure solid work on epidemic control and disaster relief, strengthen employment, help market entities tide over difficulties, secure market supplies and keep prices stable, said the meeting.

Those affected by the disasters should be relocated and their basic needs should be met, it said.

Authorities at all levels should closely follow changes in economic trends and improve the policy mix, while boosting policy coordination and interpretation to increase market confidence and keep the economy running steadily, it said.

Employment should remain a priority in economic and social development as well as macro policies over the next five years, and works should be conducted to pursue full, higher-quality employment, said the meeting.

Toward this end, the meeting called for providing stronger support from fiscal and monetary policies, encouraging innovation to further drive employment, facilitating the development of new industries and new business patterns, improving mechanisms and policies to support key groups and boosting vocational training.

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