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Hazara University students pay field visit along the CPEC route
  ·  2024-05-24  ·   Source: The Daily Mail, Pakistan

The Department of Pakistan Studies at Hazara University, Mansehra, led by Head of Department (HOD) Ayesha Alam, on May 18 organized a one-day study tour along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) route. 

This visit included stops in Charsadda, Mardan, and Peshawar in KhyberPaktunkhwa province through Hazara Motorway. The purpose of the visit was to observe the development under CPEC. 

The travel time from Hazara University to Mardan has significantly reduced said HOD Ayesha Alam in an interview with Gwadar pro. According to her previously, it took seven to eight hours, but now, due to the motorways built under the CPEC, the journey only takes 2 to 2.5 hours. 

During their visit, students observed the developments along the CPEC route, including economic zone progress from Rashakai to infrastructure enhancements in Peshawar, Mardan, and Charsadda. The primary objective was to practically showcase how this route has become a vital trade infrastructure link. 

She emphasized that CPEC brings significant benefits to Pakistan, particularly for local residents who now experience time-saving advantages. Additionally, the project has had a profound impact on Pakistan's tourism industry, which has been declining over the past two decades. "Thanks to CPEC, our travel experiences have greatly improved," she said. 

"During our trip, we visited Takhtbhai Archeology and gained valuable insights into Buddhism." Ayesha Alam expressed gratitude and said students appreciated the experience, and special thanks were extended to the Chinese Embassy for their support.  

Alam said engaging students through real-world exposure like field visits to CPEC related projects, such as power plants, roads, and ports enhances their understanding of CPEC's impact on Pakistan's economy and development and similar initiatives should be more frequent across all provinces of Pakistan. 

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