Chinese Book for Overseas Children
English edition of This Is the 24 Solar Terms and related products launched at Bologna Children's Book Fair
Edited by Li Fangfang  ·  2018-03-27  ·   Source:

Dolphin Books signed the copyright license contracts for This Is the 24 Solar Terms' Albanian and English versions with Albanian Publishing House DITURIA and American Skyhorse Publishing (COURTESY PHOTO)

On March 26, 2018 local time, Dolphin Books of China International Publishing Group successfully organised and held the launch of the English edition of This Is the 24 Solar Terms and related products at Bologna Children's Book Fair. 

Various publishing houses and cultural institutions at home and abroad attended the event at the invitation of Dolphin Books, who signed the copyright license contracts for This Is the 24 Solar Terms' Albanian and English versions with Albanian Publishing House DITURIA and American Skyhorse Publishing respectively. Dolphin Books also reached cooperation decisions for This Is the 24 Solar Terms with German Edition Bracklo, Lebanese Digital Future, Japanese g. Grape and Nepalese Current Publication. 

The Vice President of CIPG Wang Gangyi emphasised that with more than two hundred million children and teenagers in China, we face a huge market of children's books, where there is a rich variety of children’s books for sale and refined original children’s books have also emerged in large numbers in recent years. Wang Gangyi expressed his wish to let more overseas children have the opportunity to read these books from China via extensive cooperation with international institutions in the future. The Director of Children's Library, National Library of China, Wang Zhigeng, and the executive manager of Children's Books Department in Dangdang, Liu Yu, gave talks at the event as well. They spoke highly of the value and practice of This Is the 24 Solar Terms' overseas promotion.  

During the launch, Dolphin Books together with Ningbo Yi-Qu Culture Communication Co., Ltd., a leading institution for early education and cultural creation in China, and "Kada Story," an online platform for digital contents, presented their co-developed toy book Floor Jigsaw Puzzle Book: This Is the 24 Solar Terms, online interactive games, This Is the 24 Solar Terms audio books and so on. They aim at building a multi-language, omni-media, and comprehensive content production and distribution channel for "This Is the 24 Solar Terms" series.  

Right after the launch, Dolphin Books presided at the "Going Global" symposium together with more than ten outstanding Chinese private publishing houses of children's books, including Baby Cube Brand Management Co., Ltd., King-in Culture (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Everafter Books Co., Ltd., Beijing Yutian Hanfeng Books Co., Ltd., Beijing Poplar Culture Project Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shang-Yi Trading Co., Ltd., Fanglue Bohua Media Co., Ltd., "Kada Story" and Ningbo Yi-Qu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. They had a warm discussion on making a united effort to promote Chinese children's books globally and to achieve a win-win development in cooperation. 

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