2017 |
Editor's Pick No. 10 | |
Hello and welcome to the 10th issues of Beijing Review.
Cover design by Wang Yajuan COVER STORY A New Lease of Life is on China’s family planning policy. At the start of 2016 the Central Government initiated the two-child policy in order to address the ageing population. The initial family planning policy, limiting most but not all families to one child, was adopted in the 1970s to counter the high birth rate. It is a reform often undervalued in its contribution to the nation’s development, helping it escape the poverty trap that plagues so many developing countries. WORLD Wrestling With the Press is a piece on the turbulent relationship between the Trump administration and the American press, in which the new president has repeatedly accused mainstream publications such as CNN and The New York Times of printing fake news. EXPAT’S EYE When Faith Moved Mountains is an expat’s eye account of the spread of Buddhist arts and crafts in China along the Silk Road during ancient times. Copyedited by Dominic James Madar Comments to luyan@bjreview.com |