2019 |
Editor's Pick No.34 | |
Hello and welcome to the 34th issue of Beijing Review.
(Cover Design: Wang Yajuan) COVER STORY A Use for Refuse looks at the current national movement to have residents sort garbage to help protect the environment. Mandatory sorting will be required in 46 cities by the end of 2020. Incentives have been introduced with the use of apps, as well as fines for noncompliance. And neighborhood volunteers aid the sorting efforts. Shanghai was the first city to make sorting mandatory and Beijing is looking at amending its garbage sorting law. WORLD China’s Image Shines Brighter analyzes a new survey that shows how China’s image has improved over the past six years. Developing countries hold a more positive image of China than developed ones. A large majority say that the country’s international stature and global influence will continue grow. NATION Welcome to Hongmeng World looks at Huawei’s launch of its own operating system. In English, it is known as HarmonyOS, and represents advances by Huawei to combat America’s threats and actions against it. The operating system enables artificial intelligence capabilities of different digital devices and will be released as open-source software. Copyedited by Pamela Tobey Comments to linan@bjreview.com |