Leader of the CPCanada: We have good faith that the CPC and the Chinese state will achieve success
  ·  2022-10-14  ·   Source: NO.42 OCTOBER 20, 2022
A shopping plaza in Beijing buzzes with visitors on October 6 (WEI YAO)

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is of great significance as the whole Party and the entire nation advance toward the second centenary goal, that is, to build a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful by 2049, the centenary of the People's Republic of China. In an interview with Beijing Review reporters Tao Xing and Peng Jiawei in the lead-up to the event, Elizabeth Rowley, leader of the Communist Party of Canada, shared her view on the bilateral relationship and CPC governance. Edited excerpts of the interview follow: 

What do you think of China's achievements over the past decade under CPC leadership? 

Elizabeth Rowley: They are truly remarkable. The CPC and the Chinese Government are committed to making changes that will benefit people and can make great things happen in a very short time. One of the most impressive things was the lifting of more than 770 million people out of extreme poverty in the 40-plus years since the late 1970s.

China is focusing on its 2035 goal, namely, to become a medium-level developed country in terms of per-capita GDP, and the 2049 goal of building a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful by the centenary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The country is moving toward further improvements in terms of living standards and access to higher education, healthcare, and so forth. The objective of raising living standards to the level of relatively high development goes unmatched in the world. No other country has this kind of goal, let alone the ability to deliver on it.

On the international stage, China has played a very important role.

For example, the Belt and Road Initiative [proposed in 2013 to improve transcontinental connectivity and cooperation] has allowed many developing countries to make cooperation deals with China that benefit those countries, as opposed to the kind of trade agreements imperialism delivers—exploitative and leaving those countries in impoverished chaos.

Then there's the growing danger of war everywhere. Many countries are being drawn into imperialism, driven to war and aggression and interfering with the sovereignty and independence of other countries. We recognize China's efforts at diplomacy to prevent the kinds of conflicts that might lead to war.

These are some of the reasons why China's influence is growing and U.S. influence is waning on the international stage.

What do you believe to be the biggest difference between the CPC's governance and Western politics? 

One is a government that fights for the interests of the people. The other is a government that fights for the interests of corporations and tries to convince the working people that is a good idea.

In Canada, politicians have made promises on raising living standards, creating jobs and higher wages, and improving the environment for many years. But once elected, suddenly all of this appears to no longer be possible.

We find taxes for corporations are falling, funding for the military is increasing and social programs are being cut. We see living standards and wages falling sharply with inflation and corporations making massive profits. And these businesses pollute the environment. Some of the parties are based on racism, division; very right-wing politics, very dangerous right-wing populism.

So people are critical of and unhappy with the Canadian Government.

We see the process the CPC is going through, involving the public in the discussions about what the future will look like, what the priorities are and what people want. This picture is quite different from that in Canada.

We're optimistic about China's future. We are optimistic about the ability of working people around the globe to compel the kind of fundamental social change that leads to socialism. Socialism is the future.

We respect China's economic model as it is a way to rapidly develop both technology and the economy. But we also recognize it comes with numerous challenges. We notice, for example, that the CPC runs a campaign against corruption, which is important because that is a campaign supporting socialism.

We believe the CPC and the people of China are able to create the path toward that future.

Why are party-to-party exchanges important to the two countries? 

I had the opportunity to visit China four years ago as a guest of [the International Department of] the CPC Central Committee. We were able to see firsthand the many changes within the country that the CPC and the government and the people of China achieved in a very short period.

It's a lot more expensive for ordinary people to travel halfway around the world to Asia, to see China, and to see what the truth about China is. But you can't get accurate information about what is happening in China, or the world, from the Canadian and U.S. news broadcasters.

It is very important for us to be able to see firsthand what these significant, big and important changes are in the country and to be able to convey that information here to those Canadians who want to know.

What message would you like to send to the CPC and China at large? What do you expect the CPC will achieve in the coming years? 

We are wishing all the best during this important congress; its documents and outline for the country's further development will be very important. We know there has been a lot of discussion among the 1.4 billion Chinese people, including the 96 million CPC members, about the way forward.

This will be very important for China as well as people worldwide. We wish the Party good luck and look forward to hearing the results.

We have good faith that the Party and the Chinese state will achieve success. The 2035 and 2049 goals will be important to people around the world. Many are looking at China, hoping and wishing it will succeed in these goals. And so are we.

(Print Edition Title: Standing With China and the CPC)

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon 

Comments to taoxing@cicgamericas.com 

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