Together, we can go green
By Jens Eskelund  ·  2024-05-24  ·   Source: NO.21 MAY 23, 2024
Staff workers collect data at the Ningdong Photovoltaic Base of Ningxia Power Co. Ltd. in Lingwu City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, on May 1 (XINHUA)

I have lived in Beijing for 25 years. It is indisputable that the air quality here has significantly improved over these years. I still remember when I first moved to China in 1998, the main source of air pollution in Beijing was coal burning. Soon, in 1999, the Beijing Municipal Government introduced supervisory regulations on the quality of coal use. The changes that have occurred since are evident to all. Later on, construction and motor vehicles became a major source of PM2.5 (fine inhalable particles) emissions in Beijing. Due to effective governance, the blue sky during the 2014 APEC meeting in Beijing was very impressive.

China has achieved great success in reducing particulate matter pollution. Such examples can be seen everywhere. For example, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in north China is a resource-rich area. I believe this is one of the regions with the best air quality in the country, and I know many companies consider it an excellent choice for producing green electricity.

Green electricity refers to the production of electricity with zero or near-zero carbon dioxide emissions, which has a lower impact on the environment compared to thermal power generation. At present, green electricity mainly comes from photovoltaic and wind power.

European companies also need green electricity to produce green methanol, known as "liquid sunshine." It uses renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy to decompose water into green hydrogen, which is then synthesized into clean energy through the catalytic action of green hydrogen and carbon dioxide, to achieve decarbonization of the entire industrial chain. 

It is worth noting that my home country of Denmark does not have a resource reserve as large as Inner Mongolia for the development of photovoltaic power. So we mainly rely on offshore wind power in the northern coastal areas. By 2026, 100 percent of Denmark's electricity is expected to come from renewable sources.

Denmark and China both have some of the world's leading wind power companies, such as Vestas, Goldwind and Envision. Their research and development capabilities, as well as innovative technologies, ensure that we produce as much green electricity as possible, while reducing the use of coal and other fossil fuels, thereby promoting energy transformation and green development, and rebuilding energy-intensive cities with clean and low-carbon energy systems.

A visitor gets behind the wheel of a BYD Yangwang U9 car at a Chinese brand expo, part of the China Brand Day events in Shanghai, on May 11 (XINHUA)

The Chinese Government has set a dual carbon goal, meaning the country intends to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. I think it is very positive and achievable. This matter is of great significance because without China, the world cannot solve the problem of climate change.

There is great potential for bilateral cooperation between European and Chinese companies in this field. China has true global leadership in green technology, which is also one of the areas where Europe and China can learn from each other.

In Copenhagen, capital of Denmark, and Brussels, capital of Belgium and home to the EU headquarters, Chinese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer BYD's taxis can be seen everywhere. Chinese battery manufacturer Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. is also investing in building factories in Europe, aiming for high-level cooperation. At the same time, many European car manufacturers have come to China to produce EVs. Undoubtedly, China will become a leader in EV production, and European manufacturers have gained a lot of beneficial experience from the Chinese market.

If we think along the green industrial chain, there are still many industries with great potential for further cooperation. The EU and China have strong complementarity in carbon reduction and related technologies. China has an important industrial foundation and Europe can use this foundation to achieve its decarbonization goals. In other words, China's dual carbon goal can also help Europe achieve its transformation and development toward a green economy.

China is also a very important market for Europe's green technology. Both sides have invested a large amount of funds in decarbonization technology, and they have always maintained a close research and development collaboration. For example, European wind turbine manufacturers have played a crucial role in the development of China's wind power industry for many years.

Today's China can also provide many solutions that the world at large needs to reduce carbon emissions and address the challenges of climate change. We just need to find a path that creates maximum value for both China and Europe, so that everything we do will not come at the cost of sacrificing the other party, but can complement each other.

The year 2023 celebrated the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the EU-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. The past two decades of achievements have confirmed that a comprehensive strategic partnership is crucial for the EU.

In the current global economic downturn, both Europe and China are facing challenges in their economies, as well as some disagreements in the field of trade. But it is right at this time that EU-China relations are more important than ever. We need to maintain high-level dialogue and resolve our issues and concerns in a friendly manner so that both sides can benefit and create more value. BR

Jens Eskelund is president of the EU Chamber of Commerce in China.

The article was first published in China Today magazine

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon

Comments to liwenhan@cicgamericas.com

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