A global group of friends
By Jean Paul Vargas  ·  2024-07-15  ·   Source: NO.29 JULY 18, 2024
A Chinese researcher introduces desert plants to visitors from Africa and Central Asian countries at a desert research station in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on June 13, 2023 (XINHUA)

China's Global Development Initiative (GDI) is emerging as a transformative force in the international arena. Chinese President Xi Jinping first publicized the concept at the United Nations General Assembly in September 2021. Since its announcement, the GDI's main components and objectives, aimed at fostering connectivity and cooperation between continents, have attracted worldwide attention.

As the world's second largest economy, China's commitment to this initiative signals its determination to play a leading role in shaping the global governance system, promoting countries' integration and economic growth.

A new vision 

The GDI is influenced by both political and spiritual aspects of humanity. It also provides an opportunity for the Global South [regions of the world generally characterized by lower levels of economic and industrial development and often located south of more industrialized nations—Ed.] to explore an alternative model of development. This model contrasts with the traditional Western approaches to development and their manifestations.

The study of the initiative opens the doors to a new vision for international relationships and cooperation in a multipolar world.

The GDI's eight priorities are: poverty alleviation, food security, financing for development, pandemic response and vaccination, climate change and green development, improved connectivity, industrialization, and the digital economy.

The central concept of the GDI is development, whereas that of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), first proposed by Xi in 2013, is to boost connectivity along and beyond the ancient Silk Road routes. So there are clear differences between the two initiatives. The focus of the former is on developing countries, while the latter concentrates on countries in Africa, Asia and Europe, eventually leading to a gradually broader global outreach.

Both the GDI and the BRI are important international cooperation initiatives and global public goods China provides to the world. Both are dedicated to promoting win-win international cooperation and will contribute to the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and planet, adopted by all UN member states in 2015— Ed.].

Both initiatives embody a spirit of partnership characterized by openness and inclusion. China welcomes the active participation of all parties in these proposals. The GDI and the BRI operate independently, each with its own unique approach to areas and priorities of cooperation.

For all of humanity 

The common prosperity of all peoples highlights interdependence and the need for joint development among all countries to achieve global wellbeing. It implies that the progress of one country should not be achieved at the expense of others, but through collaboration and mutual cooperation that benefit all.

The GDI is an open platform for promoting common development and prosperity, which involves international cooperation in pursuit of shared goals. It constitutes the collective construction of a vision for the world that is sustained by shared principles and values, and based on respect, tolerance, dialogue and harmony.

The 2030 Agenda is being accelerated through the creation of a global development community that prioritizes development and puts people's needs first.

More than 100 nations and numerous international organizations, including the UN, have endorsed the GDI. The GDI Group of Friends now counts more than 80 nations as members.

As countries must cooperate to achieve development, this Group of Friends has become an important force in promoting international teamwork and coordination. It has also proven to be a useful forum to discuss the implementation of the 2030 Agenda within the UN development system.

Within the framework of global governance in building equal and orderly multilateralism, China seeks to promote an international system based on principles of equality, justice and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

It emphasizes cooperation based on mutual benefits and harmonious relations among nations, envisioning a scenario where all states are encouraged to participate.

Children gather in front of a house equipped with a Chinese-installed satellite TV-receiving antenna in Picoco Village, Maputo Province, Mozambique, on July 25, 2023. A project co-funded by China brought digital satellite TV signal to 1,000 villages in the country (XINHUA)

Constant progress 

The GDI calls for a more just and equitable global order. In its initial stages, it was an idea, a vision; today, it is a scientific system, the practice of which demonstrates the right side of history, the right side of development. It implies a type of rationality based on coexistence and mutual interest, the profits of which are shared by its members.

As a platform and global public good, the initiative is an open instrument of international cooperation with a number of flagship projects, including the Global Partnership for Poverty Reduction and Development, Global Association for Clean Energy Cooperation, Bamboo as a Substitute for Plastics Initiative, Partnership for the New Industrial Revolution, International Alliance for Vaccine Research, Development and Innovation Satellite Constellation Plan for Sustainable Development, Big Earth Chemical Sciences Program, and the improvement of the China South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund.

In the areas of poverty reduction, pandemic response and vaccination, food security, climate change and green development, industrialization, digital economy, and connectivity, it has around 50 ongoing projects.

The GDI pays attention to the challenges developing countries have to tackle. These countries are often in vulnerable situations due to structural constraints, lack of resources and systemic inequalities.

The cooperation platforms developed through the initiative play a key role in providing technical and financial support, facilitating technology transfer, and promoting South-South and triangular cooperation among participants at different levels, all the while creating a shared future for all of humanity in the quest for harmony and unity in diversity.

The author is director of the Sustainable Development Innovation Laboratory, Central American Institute of Public Administration, and a researcher with the Center for Historical Research of Central America, University of Costa Rica. This article was first published on the China Focus website 

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon 

Comments to yanwei@cicgamericas.com 

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