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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
A Brand New Look
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  • An old house in Peizhai Village
  • Customers shopping for clothes in a store
  • Villagers play basketball in the newly refurbished school
  • Villagers take a dance class
  • A residential compound after its transformation
  • Two elderly men play chess
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Edited by Lu Yan, photos by Qin Bin


A decade means tremendous changes for villagers in Peizhai Community in Zhangcun Township, central China's Henan Province. From 2005 to 2015, the community transformed from a drought-stricken poor village into a cozy area with villas, advanced agricultural facilities and complete public infrastructure.


Under the leadership of Pei Chunliang, Secretary of the Peizhai Community General Branch of the Communist Party of China, local people have made concerted efforts to develop high-efficiency agriculture. Per capita income of farmers has increased from less than 1,000 yuan ($144) to more than 10,000 yuan ($1,444).


Copyedited by Chris Surtees 


Comments to zanjifang@bjreview.com 

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