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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
Welcoming the New Year
  • A calligraphy enthusiast writes couplets in Sixiyan Village, Wuyuan County of east China's Jiangxi Province, January 22. This Chinese tradition is a popular way to welcome the Spring Festival, or the Chinese Lunar New Year, which falls on February 5
  • Calligraphy enthusiasts write couplets at a community in Suzhou City, east China's Jiangsu Province, on January 22
  • A villager dries Chinese characters Fu, or blessing in English, at Beixinzhuang Village, Xingtai City of north China's Hebei Province, on January 22
  • Visitors viewing floriculture works at a flower exhibition in Beijing, capital of China, January 20
  • People visit a market for Spring Festival shopping in Zhengding Town, Zhengding County of north China's Hebei Province, on January 22
  • A visitor looks at floriculture works at a flower exhibition in Beijing, January 20. Over 160 displays are presented during the exhibition held for the upcoming Spring Festival
  • Lanterns at Yuyuan Garden in Shanghai, east China, January 21
  • A boy takes photos during a New Year lantern fair in Hefei, capital of east China's Anhui Province, January 18
As one of China’s grandest commemorations approaches, people from all over the world endeavor to get back home to celebrate Spring Festival with their families. The festival plays a sacred role in Chinese culture as families reunite to enjoy a brief break after a long year of hard work.

Much preparation goes into the festival, with parents across the country ensuring that everything is ready for the welcomed arrival of their children. Tasks include shopping, cleaning and adorning the house in decorations. Other customs practiced at Spring Festival include lighting lanterns, visiting flower markets and calligraphy.

Copyedited by Craig Crowther

Comments to zhangshsh@bjreview.com 


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