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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
Working in Sweltering Heat
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  • Li Zhou conducts fault handling on the air-conditioning system of the China Railway High-speed CRH380B at the bullet train maintenance station
  • Li’s main tasks include air-conditioning maintenance, failure prediction and fault handling
  • Air temperature in the workshop reaches 100°F, but the apparent temperature hits 122°F
  • More than 500 bolts, 40 air-conditioning cover plates and hundreds of components await Li’s inspection every day
  • Li processes the fault of the air conditioning system of a CRH380B type bullet train
  • A worker performs “physical examinations” on bullet trains in the 100°F workshop
  • A bird’s eye view of the maintenance station at the Hefei South Railway Station
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Li Zhou, a mechanic with the maintenance station of Hefei South Railway Station, Nanjing Bullet Train Depot, is a member of the air-conditioning maintenance team that was established to ensure the proper functioning of the system and provide comfortable travel conditions for train passengers.

As the team leader and technical master, Li has proposed many suggestions and provided effective solutions to faults and implemented field treatment.

With the advent of Sanfu, the hottest and dampest period of the year which began on July 17, the apparent temperature in the maintenance station hit 122°F. Under such circumstances, Li and his team continue to work on the frontlines as they drip with sweat, to complete the troubleshooting work and dedicate themselves to every detail.

(Photos by Xinhua) 

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