Feature Publications
Why and How the CPC Works in China
Edited by Li Nan  ·  2016-06-30  ·   Source:

Cover of Why and How the CPC Works in China (FILE)

Why does the Communist Party of China (CPC) remain popular despite making several serious mistakes? How could the CPC make China the world's second-largest economy? These are among the 13 questions answered by Xie Chuntao, a professor with the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC, in his national bestseller—Why and How the CPC Works in China

The English edition of the book, published by the Beijing-based New World Press, won a larger international audience at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October, 2011—not only because it addresses Western curiosity about the "China model" and "China's road," but also because it puts forward a new way of introducing China and the CPC to the world. 

Chapter One: Why Was the CPC capable of establishing a new China?

Chapter Three: How did the CPC keep the people's support despite its mistakes?

Chapter Six: How could the CPC make China the world's second largest economy?

Chapter Seven: How could the CPC integrate socialism with the market economy?

Comments to chenran@bjreview.com 

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