CPPCC Ready to Move Forward in New Era
Top political advisory body focuses on the nation's central tasks
By Lan Xinzhen  ·  2018-03-06  ·   Source: | Web Exlusive

The First Plenary Session of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, China's top political advisory body, opened in Beijing on March 3. Yu Zhengsheng, Chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, delivered a work report on behalf of the Standing Committee of the 12th CPPCC National Committee at the opening meeting.

Keeping in line with the spirit of the 19th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress, the session focuses on central tasks facing the Party and the country that are securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and embarking on a journey to fully build a modern socialist China. It stresses that the CPPCC should improve and innovate the work of political consultation and democratic supervision, expand social contacts and raise its members' capacity to perform their role, in order to carry on with its mission of strengthening multiparty cooperation and political consultation in the new era under the leadership of the CPC.

The rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is an important part of the new era and requires the participation and devotion of the whole nation. As an important institution linking the CPC with the people and uniting all sectors of society, the CPPCC has not only helped give voice to various social groups but also guided its members and the people to adopt a correct attitude toward the new structure of interests resulting from economic reforms, giving full play to the unique merits of China's socialist consultative democracy.

On the past five years, the CPPCC National Committee members submitted 29,378 proposals and 99 percent of them had been handled up to February 20 this year, according to a report to the First Session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee. These numbers demonstrate the CPPCC's fulfillment of its responsibilities. They are also reflections of the power and wisdom of CPPCC members.

Comments to lanxinzhen@bjreview.com

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