Xi Underlines High-Quality Development of Belt and Road
President Xi highlights joint efforts of all parties to promote high-quality development of the Belt and Road
Edited by Li Xiaoyang  ·  2019-04-28  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Chinese President Xi Jinping chairs and addresses the leaders' roundtable meeting of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation at the Yanqi Lake International Convention Center in Beijing on April 27, 2019 (XINHUA)

Chinese President Xi Jinping on April 27 called for joint efforts of all parties to promote high-quality development of the Belt and Road.

Xi made the remarks at the leaders' roundtable meeting of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) in Beijing.

Under the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, participants of the Belt and Road Initiative have provided new impetus for global economic growth and opened new space for global development since the first BRF in 2017, according to Xi.

Xi called on all parties to jointly push forward intensive and meticulous implementation, advance the joint building of the Belt and Road, and deliver greater benefits to the people of all countries.

He highlighted joint work of all parties to identify cooperation priorities and focus on enhancing all-round connectivity.

Xi also stressed joint efforts to strengthen cooperation mechanisms and forge partnership on connectivity, calling for encouraging the full participation of more countries and businesses in expanding common interests.

Leaders from 40 countries and international organizations attended the roundtable meeting, had an extensive and in-depth exchange of views, and reached important consensus on a wide range of topics, including promoting connectivity, strengthening policy alignment, forging closer partnerships, promoting green and sustainable development, and implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

During the discussion, foreign participants said advancing the joint building of the Belt and Road is one of the greatest initiatives for economic cooperation in today's world, and expressed willingness to align their respective countries' development strategies with the initiative.

A joint communique was adopted at the closing session of the roundtable, and a list of deliverables of the forum was also published after the meeting.

During the day, Xi took a group photo with foreign leaders and heads of international organizations.

Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng also attended the roundtable meeting.

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