International Department of the CPC Central Committee       BEIJING REVIEW
Special Issue on China’s Complete Victory of Poverty Alleviation       MONTHLY
All Counties in China Removed From Poverty List

China has removed all remaining counties from the countrys poverty list, as Guizhou Province announced on November 23, 2020 that its last nine poverty-stricken counties had officially eliminated poverty. 

The nine counties, including Ziyun, Nayong, Weining and Yanhe, were the last group on the countrys list of 832 impoverished counties that had been identified in 2014 by the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development. 

China has set a goal to eradicate absolute poverty by the end of this year. At the end of last year, 52 counties in the northwest, southwest and south of the country remained on the poverty list. 

Guizhou, with 176,200 square kilometers of land92.5 percent of which are mountains and hillswas a main battlefield in the fight against poverty. In 2012, Guizhou had the highest number of impoverished people in China. 

Since that year, the province has seen about 9.23 million people and 66 counties emerge from poverty, according to the Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Guizhou. 

A series of measures were taken to lift people out of poverty, such as developing suitable industries to increase incomes and create jobs, relocating people who lived in shabby places and improving public services. 

The relocation project in Guizhou involved 1.88 million people, a record high in the country. 

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