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1st phase construction of mainland-aided COVID-19 isolation facility completed in Hong Kong
  ·  2022-04-20  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

The first phase construction of the Penny's Bay Community Isolation Facility (CIF), with mainland support, was completed, and the units were handed over to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government on April 19.

The Penny's Bay CIF is the largest among the isolation facilities constructed with mainland support. The first batch was built in two months and has over 1,000 units and more than 2,000 beds.

Chief Executive of the HKSAR Carrie Lam said at the handover ceremony that the CIFs constructed with mainland support will greatly enhance the anti-pandemic capabilities of Hong Kong.

She again expressed gratitude to the central government for its staunch support. She added that as long as all sectors of the Hong Kong community continue to join hands to overcome the difficulties, Hong Kong will emerge from the COVID-19 epidemic and return to normal life soon.

On Tuesday, Hong Kong registered 320 new COVID-19 cases by nucleic acid tests, and 280 additional positive cases through self-reported rapid antigen tests, official data showed.


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