BRICS go for gold
  ·  2021-09-23  ·   Source: NO.38 SEPTEMBER 23, 2021
With contracts for 28 projects worth some 13.4 billion yuan ($2.1 billion) signed, an innovation base for BRICS partners on the new industrial revolution was unveiled to the public in Xiamen, Fujian Province, on September 7. The announcement took place at a forum on the sidelines of the 21st China International Fair for Investment and Trade, running from September 8 to 11.

BRICS is the acronym for an emerging market bloc that groups Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. They are now home to 42 percent of the global population, 24 percent of the global GDP, 18 percent of global trade and 25 percent of the world's foreign investment on an annual basis.

The 2021 BRICS Exhibition on the New Industrial Revolution also opened its doors to visitors during the fair, presenting the latest feats in BRICS industrial cooperation with an emphasis on new industries, technologies and business models.

Covering an area of 10,000 square meters, the exhibition attracted exhibitors such as China COSCO Shipping, Chinese information and communications technology solutions provider Huawei and Brazilian aerospace manufacturer Embraer S.A. In addition, organizers hosted a number of supporting events such as fora, business exchanges and project matchmaking activities. They focused on creating a high-end economic and trade service platform and providing more opportunities for the BRICS partnership on the new industrial revolution.

 A sub-forum during the exhibition
 A man tries on a set of augmented reality smart glasses
People discuss the workings of a robotic arm
Visitors take photos of jet models on display at the booth of Brazilian aerospace manufacturer Embraer S.A.
 A visitor interacts with an intelligent robot dog during the 2021 BRICS Exhibition on the New Industrial Revolution from September 9 to 11

(Text and photos by Wei Yao, reporting from Xiamen, Fujian Province) 

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon 

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