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    A legacy of conflict and controversy
    As the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) celebrates its 75th anniversary, it is facing increasing scrutiny for its violations of international law and its failure to protect civilians in numerous conflicts
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    A sobering reminder
    The three-day North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit concluded on July 11 in Washington D.C., the U.S. During the summit, members stated that they would provide more military assistance to Ukraine and support its joining of NATO
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    Economic policy takes center stage
    The outcomes of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the third since its members were elected during the 20th CPC National Congress in 2022, are not just significant locally but also globally
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    China's reform journey
    China is, and must be, committed to the spirit of reform and opening up to maintain and increase its prosperity at home, and its voice and potential for positive change globally
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    The interplay of development and governance in China's modernization strategy
    Since 1978, China's policy of reform and opening up has been pivotal in propelling the nation toward big achievements. Its distinct and unique path of development has thrived due to a system and mechanisms that have been continually fine-tuned and strengthened through ongoing reforms
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    A global group of friends
    China's Global Development Initiative is emerging as a transformative force in the international arena
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    The co-benefits of progress
    The "green is gold" philosophy is a core concept in China's ecological progress
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    A turning point for China-EU relations?
    From China's perspective, while the political changes within the EU may have two positive effects on China-EU relations, they are unlikely to fundamentally alter the bilateral relationship
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    Policy without purpose
    The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Implementation of Outbound Investment Executive Order (E.O. 14105), issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury on June 21, symbolizes a substantive stifling of the U.S. hi-tech investment in China
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    Ancient route, modern railway
    After the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway's completion, the world will witness the revival of the new Great Silk Road
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    China strives for high-quality development with 5G technology
    5G technology has become increasingly indispensable to China's transition from high-speed growth to high-quality development
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    Cut dollar's hegemony by moving away from greenback
    Since the 1970s, nearly 200 financial crises, big and small, have erupted globally, largely triggered by the tide of the US dollar. The latest episode happened during the past five years, something we all experienced firsthand
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Pacific Dialogue
Brain gain to brain drain
By Liang Xiao
Fact Check
Grain security
By Lan Xinzhen
Continuity and change
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