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Xi's Focus Governance Wisdom Without Borders Governance Podcast
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  • Breaking Down the Stimulus: What's New and What's Next?
    Recently, the term "stimulus package" has frequently popped up in discussions about China
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    Sands of Change
    Desertification poses a serious environmental challenge and the need for effective solutions is becoming increasingly pressing
  • Deciphered: whole-process people's democracy
    To understand the Chinese system, it is necessary to move beyond the Western tendency to equate the CPC with political parties like the Democrats or Republicans in the United States
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    Innovation in Orbit
    By sending seeds on short trips into space, China is developing new crop varieties, contributing to the advancement of agricultural science and bolstering food security
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    Swiping Through Borders
    China's aspiration to become a global financial powerhouse is a big part of a broader strategy to elevate its influence on the world stage, diversify its economic growth and reduce dependence on foreign financial systems
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    China’s achievements inspire all of humanity
    The 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China on October 1 is a momentous occasion
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    China and the LAC region's new path for human rights progress
    Co-hosted by the China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS), Renmin University of China and the Brazilian Universidade Federal Fluminense, this event fostered dialogue and mutual understanding, reimagining human rights in a rapidly changing world
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    Xinjiang Blossoming Under Rule of Law
    Contrary to the West's false and misleading information regarding repression of Uygur Muslims in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Islam is blossoming with all its religious colors and traditional fashion under the law
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    A Just Solution to the Middle East Conflict Is a Must
    Tensions are rising and the risk of regional war looms over the Middle East. Diplomacy has yet to restrain escalation and prospects for peace unfortunately are dim at this time. The regional situation is complex
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    Candid, Substantive, Constructive
    The latest round of China-U.S. strategic communication was held in Beijing from August 27 to 28
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    A Solution for Global Human Rights Governance
    In the current historical stage of international power transition, China's actions taken to protect human rights domestically and internationally offer a light of hope for the community of states
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    Beyond Green
    These cinematic narratives, though fictional, offer insights into the contrasting approaches that may shape China's role in advancing sustainability in Latin America, specifically in Chile
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Milei's China visit: why the change of tone?
By Lan Xinzhen
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How China tackles the tech stranglehold
By Lan Xinzhen
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