Living a Resilient Life
Fighting against life's adversities
  ·  2015-11-30  ·   Source: NO. 49 DECEMBER 3, 2015

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities underlines these people's rights to full and effective participation as well as inclusion in society. With remarkable progress in their access to social security benefits, employment, education and public services, China's population with disabilities not only has better living conditions but is playing an increasingly active role in advancing social progress.


Members of the Chinese Blind Soccer Team take part in a training session in Fuzhou, Fujian Province on January 20. The team won a silver medal in the Summer Paralympic Games in Beijing in 2008 (XINHUA)


A volunteer accompanies a girl with autism to a dolphin show at an aquarium in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, on April 1, 2014 (XINHUA)


Railway staff lead a visually impaired couple and their guide dog to their carriage at the Lanzhou Railway Station in Gansu Province on June 5. Guide dogs have been allowed to accompany their owners on train trips in China since May 1 (XINHUA)


A man with lower-limb paralysis receives rehabilitation advice from a doctor at a community clinic in Hefei, Anhui Province on April 17 (XINHUA)


A foreigner tries his hand at embroidery under the instruction of two hearing-impaired women from the Qiang ethnic group in southwest China at an event in Beijing on November 10, 2014 (XINHUA)


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