Declining Marriage Rate
China's marriage rate in 2018 reaches the lowest in the past 10 years
  ·  2019-08-27  ·   Source: NO. 35 AUGUST 29, 2019

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, China's marriage rate in 2018 was only 7.2 percent, the lowest in the past 10 years.

Stressful work and a competitive employment market have become a major stumbling block to marriage for some young people, while many prefer to stay single or unmarried so they can be free to make full use of their time and devote themselves to their careers and lives.

Some believe that being able to stay unmarried is social progress. The idea that marriage is not an obligation but a choice is a reflection of the diversity of social concepts, which will gradually replace traditional stereotypes.

However, marriage also has a connection to the development of society. If too many people choose not to marry, the birth rate will decline and there will eventually be a terrible impact on economic and social development.

Society should respect young people's personal decisions and they are entitled to different choices. But we should also reflect on whether we have created enough opportunities and provided sufficient conditions for them to get married. The whole society should care and support the young generation more in education, employment, housing, vacation and social security so that they don't have to worry about the perceived burden of marriage.

(This is an edited excerpt of an article originally published in Guangzhou Daily on August 20)

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