Stricter assessment of international students' applications for undergraduate programs in Chinese universities and colleges
  ·  2020-06-21  ·   Source: NO.26 JUNE 25, 2020
Recently, the Ministry of Education issued a circular for stricter assessment of international students' applications for undergraduate programs in Chinese universities and colleges to ensure fair play.

According to the circular, students who are foreign nationals by birth but studied in Chinese primary and secondary schools and have at least one parent who is a Chinese national are eligible. However, they should have a record of living abroad for more than two years in the last four years.

Or they can take the national college entrance exam, known as the gaokao. The highly competitive and tough exam is said to have prompted some parents to emigrate so that their children can benefit from China's favorable university admission policy for international students.

At this year's Two Sessions, the annual meetings of the national legislature and the advisory body, Yu Minhong, founder of the education consultancy New Oriental Education and Technology Group, said to appear more international, some Chinese colleges and universities have indiscriminately admitted more international students without paying adequate attention to their credentials and research abilities.

With the reform of admission for overseas students, colleges should also endeavor to improve the quality of education. The educational authorities should formulate a more scientific evaluation mechanism for colleges that emphasize internationalized development.

(This is an edited excerpt of an article originally published in Xinhua Daily Telegraph on June 13)    

(Print Edition Title: Closing Loopholes) 

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