China has become a key force in driving global sci-tech innovation cooperation
  ·  2020-10-20  ·   Source: NO.43 OCTOBER 22, 2020


A man shows his portrait drawn by a smart robot during the INCLUSION Fintech Conference held in Shanghai, east China, on September 24 (XINHUA) 

The prosperity and progress of a country lies in science and technology innovation. During the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) period, China has steadily promoted sci-tech innovation and participated in the governance of global sci-tech innovation, further globalizing and improving international influence of its innovation products. It has become a key force in driving global sci-tech innovation cooperation. 

As the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25) approaches, China needs to make further breakthroughs in sci-tech innovation for high-quality development. Technological innovation means independent research and development instead of imitation. The key is to make major breakthroughs in core technologies to improve competitiveness of technologies in the global arena.

To that end, domestic scientific researchers need to focus on meeting practical demands and addressing problems in real life. The foundation of innovation lies in theoretical research. Due to weak research in some fields, the reliance on imported technologies is still limiting China's development. Therefore, more efforts are needed for researchers to improve independent theoretical research and promote technological application to drive economic development. 

The new round of technological revolution has driven rapid development of the digital economy. Since new technologies including big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are supposed to improve the efficiency of resource allocation and generate new economic modes, the application of new technologies should be promoted to drive economic restructuring.

To unleash the potential of China's sci-tech innovation, it is also important to deepen reform of the sci-tech research system by making more flexible requirements about researchers' degree, work experience, publication of academic papers and awards and providing a favorable environment for them to work on innovation.

Facing blockade and suppression, China needs to focus on open and inclusive cooperation for mutual benefits, explore new channels and room for global technological cooperation and further participate in global innovation to increase its contribution to the global technological progress.

This is an edited excerpt of an article originally published in on October 12 

(Print Edition Title: Innovation Breakthrough) 

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