Chinese cities need the participation of multiple parties to maximize value
  ·  2021-05-27  ·   Source: NO.21 MAY 27, 2021


In 2005, Shenzhen in Guangdong Province hosted the first Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB). It is a cooperative cultural event shared by Shenzhen and Hong Kong under a similar theme. Li Xiaojiang, then head of the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, visited the exhibition and concluded society had not yet developed a mature concept of cities.

Ten years later, the first Shanghai Urban Space Art Season, an international platform for the exchange of modern designs to improve public spaces, was held. This time, Li could spot the increasing social needs.

Along with the increasing income, people's life demands have stretched beyond fancy apartments and villas, and now highlight aesthetic value. This new view has been reflected in Li's planning of Xiongan New Area. Apart from traditional urban communities, his team also designed ecology-friendly neighborhoods with forests and lakes to provide various aesthetic and residential experiences.

Zhang Yuxing, an initiator of UABB, told Lifeweek, that the public space environment is an important indicator of traditional urban renovation. Generally, the renovation relies on the improvement of land value and quality of public space usage.

The government, as the biggest owner of urban land, should treat the city as an ecosystem, which needs the participation of multiple parties to maximize its value, he said.

This is an edited excerpt of an article originally published in Lifeweek on May 17  

(Print Edition Title: A New Competition 


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