Xi congratulates 5th anniversary of South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund, ISSCAD
  ·  2021-07-09  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Chinese President Xi Jinping on July 8 sent a congratulatory letter on the 5th anniversary of the establishment of the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund and the Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development (ISSCAD).

Over the past five years, the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund has actively supported developing countries to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, respond to humanitarian crises, and achieve poverty reduction and development, Xi noted.

The ISSCAD is committed to sharing national governance experience between China and other developing countries and training high-calibre government management talents for the developing countries.

"The fund and the ISSCAD have played an important role in advancing South-South cooperation," Xi said, stressing that China is ready to work with other developing countries to further release the potential of South-South cooperation and share development opportunities.

It is hoped that the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund will continue to help developing countries achieve sustainable development, and ISSCAD will continue to build high-calibre talent training bases and research exchange platforms for developing countries to make greater contributions to the building of a community with a shared future for humanity, Xi said.

China International Development Cooperation Agency and the Ministry of Commerce jointly held an event Thursday in Beijing to mark the 5th anniversary of the fund and the institute.


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