How Chinese modernization creates new opportunities for global development
Ma Xiaowen  ·  2023-07-08  ·   Source: Web Exclusive


The Communist Party of China (CPC) International Image Innovation Forum gathers around 200 experts and scholars from government institutions, universities, media outlets and think tanks in Shanghai on July 6 (COURTESY PHOTO) 

To understand Chinese modernization, one must understand the evolution of the Communist Party of China (CPC), participants said at a forum on innovating the international image communication of the CPC on July 6 in Shanghai, home to the site where the Party’s First National Congress took place in 1921.  

Jointly hosted by China International Communications Group (CICG) and the Central Institute of Socialism, the CPC International Image Innovation Forum gathered around 200 experts and scholars from government institutions, universities, media outlets and think tanks to elaborate on the story of China’s path to modernization. 

“The CPC has upheld mutual learning among civilizations and driven Chinese modernization to benefit nations around the world. China is promoting neither self-admiration nor ‘putting China first.' Instead, in the process of achieving domestic growth, it hopes to create more new opportunities for global development,” CICG Vice President Lu Cairong said in his forum address. 

The forum can help the international community better understand the CPC’s advancement of Chinese modernization and see how the Party has always sought happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, Lu continued. 

Xu Shaogang, Academic Dean of the Central Institute of Socialism, stated the Chinese path to modernization, especially its guiding philosophies of common prosperity for all, material and cultural-ethical advancement and harmony between humanity and nature--among others, inspires other nations to seek their own development paths and encourages the world to pursue a shared, brighter future.  


Lu Cairong, Vice President of China International Communications Group, delivers a keynote speech at the CPC International Image Innovation Forum in Shanghai on July 6 (COURTESY PHOTO) 

“Chinese modernization has dispelled the myth that ‘modernization equals Westernization,’ created a new model for human progress and provided new options for developing countries to draw from as they pursue modernization through independent development,” Xu said.  

Hu Zhaoming, Director General of the Bureau of Public Information and Communication under the CPC Central Committee’s International Department, said enhancing the international communication of the Party’s image is imperative. 

“The international communication of the CPC’s image used to face ‘invisible obstacles’ created by a Western-dominated international discourse,” Hu said. “Today, these invisible obstacles have turned into ‘a tangible iron wall,' a fact unprecedented since China’s reform and opening up began in 1978.” 

While pointing out how the construction of China’s own narrative is key to breaking down said “wall,” Hu added, “Chinese modernization [and its underlying principles in particular] is a prime example of the CPC’s major theoretical innovation. It demonstrates a new path toward modernization.” 


Participating experts and scholars from government institutions, universities, media outlets and think tanks pose for a group photo in Shanghai on July 6 (COURTESY PHOTO)

Ouyang Hua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai University, delivered his keynote speech from the perspective of higher education. He said, “We must continue to familiarize people with the history of the CPC and learn from that history to perfect our national governance as well as cultivate more talents to better tell the story of the country and the Party."  

Keynote speakers further included Zhao Qizheng, former Minister of the State Council Information Office, Vladimir Imamovich Norov, former Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and Zhang Weiwei, Director of the China Institute, a think tank at Shanghai’s Fudan University. All shared their understanding of the Chinese path to modernization as well as their suggestions on how to better tell its stories to the world. 


The Shanghai forum launches the CPC International Image Communication Innovation Joint Research Program on July 6 (COURTESY PHOTO) 

During the forum’s parallel sessions, participants exchanged views on topics including the interpretation of the CPC’s implementation of whole-process people’s democracy, the China-proposed Global Civilizations Initiative,  which calls for respecting the diversity of civilizations and promoting people-to-people exchanges, the CPC’s international communication to promote the harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature, as well as the Party’s international image building for world peace and development. 

The forum also launched the CPC International Image Communication Innovation Joint Research Program. Proposed by the China Center for International Communication Development under CICG, this program aims to facilitate exchanges of information, resources and research findings by gathering the latest in theoretical research from different institutions such as government departments, universities, media outlets and think tanks.  

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon 

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